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Although it's not widely spoken about, Astrology has already entered the corporate world. A lot of professionals and people in power consult astrologers but, since astrologers respect the clients' right to confidentiality, no one talks about it openly. Astrology permeates all areas of leadership development training: the Belbin Team Roles can be easily linked to astrological archetypes, learning styles are a simplified version of Mercury in signs and Tetramap actually uses the elements in its framework and the symbols used in alchemy. 


A natal chart can be a great starting point if you want to support your employees. Their Ascendent and Midheaven will be most obvious to you but if you want to retain and develop staff, you have to know how they think (Mercury), what they need (Moon), what motivates them (Mars), their talents (Venus and Jupiter) and blocks (Saturn) and what their life's mission is (Sun).

I can design a training programme or workshop tailored entirely to your needs. However, here are a few suggestions:

  • How to use astrology in employee development and annual performance reviews

  • How to address performance improvement conversations taking into consideration their natal blocks and challenging aspect configurations

  • How to build high-performance teams that will work well together

  • How to distribute team roles according to their natal chart indicators

  • How to use astrology to create a work environment in which your staff will thrive

  • How to use electional astrology to time product launches or pitches

  • Astro-branding (using astrology for personal, team, company and product branding)


One-day workshops in which team members explore their natal charts. They will learn how each of them thinks and wants to be communicated with, where their talents lie and what blocks they might have. Such workshops will not only allow team members to get to know each other better but will also foster trust and understanding. We can look at all the major transits happening in the next few months to see what influences each team member will be under so you can exploit the positive influences and be there for one another if things get shaky.  

We can also create a team natal chart if you know when your team was created to create common team identity and check how each member's natal chart resonates with it and what part they are meant to play.

If you want to discuss how astrology can support your team, get in touch.

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